Monday, August 8, 2016

Time flies during summer......

Hello All,

I find it quite hard to believe it's over six weeks since my surgery. I am now able to lift over five pounds again which is more of a relief than anything. 5 pounds is nothing so not being able to lift that for a month and a half is quite the pain to say the least, less than the operation. I had to get Cavell to buy me a small bottle of laundry detergent as I couldn't lift the Costco size bottle that we had so I felt that at least I was doing something. :)

Now that being said, 10 rounds of radiation are now done and I still am not being allowed to drive for another 6-8 weeks, until a follow-up scan has been completed. University days, no license for me and didn't mind it at all but now, having poor Cavell shuttling me around all summer is a bitch, not that I need to go anywhere in particular but having to ask someone all the time can get tedious. I know she doesn't mind at all but still. Some of the simple things now I can walk to Sobeys if needed and actually carry items home. Can't go there for under five pounds worth of stuff, what would I get? Just cheese? :)

I see the oncologist next week. First time I have seen him since my diagnosis. Rumor has it that I may go back on the penitumatab chemo I was on last fall but primarily it will to be to see what the next course of action is. I do enjoy not having to the Clinic every two weeks but if I have to, it's definitely better than the alternative. 

The month of July/beginning of August flew by. I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a while, went to that awesome cabin, celebrated the missus' birthday, got to share my story with Brews and Bowls and stuffed myself, over and over again. The summer hasn't 'exactly' went according to plan to say the least. Cancer has a way to throw a wrench into things but it doesn't mean that it has to control you either. Life is what you make of it so for the last few weeks of summer remember that. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

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