Friday, July 22, 2016

Brain Radiation…. How to spend a fun sunny day in the Health Science…..

Day one of Radiation down. It wasn't as hard as I thought either, happened pretty much as I expected it, all for the extremely super close mask that moved even closer than last week. Yes, it's a new experience that I had yet to try yet but it is only one so far so I can't expect much.

Being back in that same room as my chest radiation was a little odd to say the least, seeing some of the same techs that I saw only a few months ago was a bit surreal. I figured once I got the chest done, then I wouldn't have to go back for any more cool radiation. Ungggggg..... wrong. Still no superpowers though which blow but there’s still time I guess. :)

When I read Cavell's update on the day, it got me thinking a bit. Yes, my stubbornness and ignorance of the situation was in full effect so I was going on my merry way like I always am. It's only radiation on my brain, pfffft, no big deal. Then some thoughts crept in, what if I don't handle this like I handle everything else? Sure, in my mind all will seem normal to me but it won't to everyone else. This was a familiar issue in special care a few weeks ago when one person kept thinking it was 2015. In their mind, it was 2015, but they couldn't tell that but everyone else knew. One of the prime reasons to go with this route of treatment was lack of side effects to me, so I won't worry about them but there's always a slim chance that my super healing may fail me one of these days and the arse will literally fall out of 'er. Back when I was in hospital in my early morning hours, being by myself, sending out thanks was an emotional time for me. I was actually having to dab my eyes from time to time when typing to the people who had donated their time, energy and over-generous contributions to my fight. All I could think of was Seinfeld when this 'salty discharge' started coming out of his eyes. He actually cared. Leave it to me to ruin a touching moment, eh? But when you think about it, this is where all my useless knowledge, one-liners and movie quotes are stored. To think that you are getting zapped with something that isn’t a typical type thing every business day for 10 days straight kinda makes you wonder a bit, but then again, side effects should be minuscule, fingers crossed. :)

So here leaves me today. I start the second round, it's only number 2, get it… number 2….ah colon cancer jokes, sorry. :)  Each one may get a little tougher, it may not. It's just an unknown that we shall all face together during this initial fight with my brain. I'm sure everything will be fine, for some reason everything seems to fall that way. Now I know a good few of you are shaking your heads at my last sentence there. If there was anyone with a right to complain it would probably be me but that's not my style at all, I don't. Mom would say when I was a kid that there was no sense in complaining as no one will listen to you anyway… maybe that’s the reason that I don’t, Lord knows. Even though I did receive the shitty end of the stick at a young age, there's a lot of people worse off than me. I have 1001 friends behind me, a woman who sticks with me no matter what the battle we face and an amazing family. So no matter what anyone says, I think I have it pretty good. 

So in my parting with you today, don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy your radiation free day. :) 

Side note, just had to put up the Seinfeld link.... just had to. :)

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